· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

A slow Sunday, more cleaning on the motor.

Follow along with our latest garage project, dealing with missing parts, motor assembly, and documenting the process via Chase Cam.

So I woke up this morning, earlier than yesterday, but still not as early as one would have liked. First things first I ran to Radio Shack to get an AC power source for my Chase Cam so that I could use it to record video today.

I then started working around the garage, I didn’t shoot too much video today because I wasn’t doing too much interesting when I wasn’t working on the motor. I took the oil pan off to make sure I drained any water from the block due to my impromptu cleaning yesterday. I also put two items on the motor, the thermo stat and one of the inlet/outlets for the coolant. I would have done more but I ran into a problem today.

I can’t seem to locate the baggy of all the manifold parts from when I removed the intake/exhaust from the other motor. I found pretty much every other part I could need for the motor except for this bag. I spent much of the day tearing through things trying to locate the bag, I’ll have to keep looking this week to find the missing parts so I can get to the assembly next weekend.

Now for the video.

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