· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

240Z First Drive!

A blog post with thanks to people who helped and video of the 240z driving, I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends!

Thanks to everyone who helped on the car I was able to tow it out to Gateway yesterday for the SCCA Autocross. I didn’t plan to compete the car, but I brought everything with me that I needed to get it put together enough to try driving it for the first time.

After I installed the driver’s seat with the help of Phil Cline, Whittle and I bled the brakes on the car. From there it was a matter of hooking everything up and getting her off the trailer. Below is the link to the video page, thanks to Dave for filming the first drive.

I took the car to the St. Louis SCCA Autocross today and worked on it on the trailer for a while with the intention of driving it around the parking lot for the first drive. Success

I can’t thank everyone who has helped me get this far enough. I’m far from done with the project, but the biggest hurdle in my mind has been cleared. My biggest fear was that once together the car just wouldn’t run, and now it runs!

Thanks to the following, in no particular order:

  • Russ Melton
    • Dave Whitworth
    • Eric MacKenzie
    • Terec Willson
    • Andy Whittle
    • Andy Hohl
    • Bill Hammond (my dad)
    • Ronnie Baker
    • Henry Kenuam
    • Everyone of those guys’ wives!
    • And of course my wife Natalie for letting me spend the past few months dirty and greasy!

This will most definitely not be the end of the project, just the beginning of a running car!

Edit: I knew i’d forget someone! Thanks to Mark and John Huebbe for the use of the welder, and inspiration of the RallyBug!

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