· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

What happened to Solo2.org?

Where did the Ultimate Autocross Website go? What happened to all the blog post and people? Updated as of February 2025

Where did the Ultimate Autocross Website go? What happened to all the blog post and people? Updated as of February 2025

Update: February 2025

Is something afoot? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

The beginning

In the beginning, there was Christoc.com’s Racing Forums, that was quickly replaced with Pylon.CC, and ultimately became SOLO2.ORG. CRF started out with a little guerilla marketing, I would take photos at autocrosses (film) and then print out all the photos, at the next event I would distribute those photos to the various cars in each photo and include a printed out small flyer promoting the Forums.

Pylon.CC was a cool iteration with a decent logo, but back in the day the North American Pylon (magazine) folks got upset that I was using “PYLON” in the branding. That ultimately didn’t cause me to change the name, but I believe one day in February some year I stumbled on solo2.org and picked up that domain name, ultimately migrating all the forums/content over to the new domain name.

The middle

In its heyday, solo2.org was one of the premiere autocross websites, with traffic from all over the country regularly posting. It was dominated by the St. Louis autocrossers, but definitely attracted users from other locations as well. It was featured in many magazine articles throughout the years, from Grassroots Motorsports up to the likes of RACER and Motortrend.

There were T-Shirts, lunch boxes, and even g-string thongs with SOLO2.ORG logos. And stickers, you can still find a SOLO2.ORG sticker on a variety of autocross cars around the country. I’ve got a couple hundred of those stickers still in a box here, if you want one let me know!

The end

Ultimately with the rise of Facebook and groups there, along with a few other forums getting more rowdy national level autocross discussions solo2.org slowly withered away. A couple of attempts were made at reviving the site, but nothing ever really stuck.

Now the domain redirects here to AutocrossBlog.com.

Never say never though, SOLO2.ORG might come back one day.

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