· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
2024 Solo National Championship Photos
Special photo package available for the 2024 Solo National Championships
If you’re heading to the 2024 Solo National Championships in Lincoln Nebraska starting late next week you should check this out!
This site is run by Chris Hammond, a 24+ year autocrosser who really got into photography due to the sport of autocross. He’s been attending the Solo National Championships off and on since 2000 and has taken photos at pretty much every one of those.
This year he’ll be there again competing, in the Solo Performance Specialties Mustang in CAM-C, but he’ll also be shooting photos all week (including the ProFinale). You can pre-purchase a vehicle photo back for $125 ($175 including the pro) which will get you all the high resolution digital downloads of the photos he captures of your car and publishes.
This special is ONLY available before competition starts on 9/3/2024, after that you can purchase individual photos for $25/download.
There’s no limit to the number of drivers or classes per car, so you can walk away with a heck of a deal at this $125 price.
Find our more info or skip the details and go straight to the buying process!
You can also visit those URLs and sign up to get an email after the event when the photos are posted and available for viewing!