· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

The suspension is on!

Follow our journey of installing new suspension on a 350z, complete with issues, triumphs and insightful photos. Future alignment plans revealed!

So after a week of farting around with things the suspension is finally on the car!

I expected to see more drop out of the current settings, but I can always go lower if I want to later. Tomorrow I need to get the race tires on the car and see if I created any rubbing issues. I am also going to try my hand at aligning the car… Hopefully. We’ll see how that goes.

It’s late so I’ll save the full blog post/writeup about the suspension installation I need to write for early next week. In the mean time though here are some photos of the car/parts today

Front Camber on the 350z The 350z on the new suspension The Hydlar Z bushings mounted on the 350z The custom bushings before going in

I’ll have video from today’s session added to the blog post once it uploads completely to youtube.

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