· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Buying a modded car
Explore why it's essential to know an item's history before purchasing, especially from friends.
Don’t do it! Unless you buy it from a friend and know exactly what they did!
When I purchased the 2nd Project350z, I purchased it just north of Denver Colorado from a Lexus dealer if I recall correctly.
The car had been modified, at the time of purchase I was unaware of what modifications has been made to it.
I then moved to California, and these modifications caused me signficant headache.
The catalytic converters had been replaced, which in most states probably wouldn’t have been a problem, but in California most definitely was.
It also had a nice carbon fiber front lip, but when I started competing the car with SCCA I had to remove it due to it being illegal for the class I was running.
The front bumper Z logo had been replaced, unsure why.