· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Buying a modded car

Explore why it's essential to know an item's history before purchasing, especially from friends. Things to look out for.

Explore why it's essential to know an item's history before purchasing, especially from friends. Things to look out for.

Don’t do it! Unless you buy it from a friend and know exactly what they did!

When I purchased the 2nd Project350z, I purchased it just north of Denver Colorado from a Lexus dealer if I recall correctly.

The car had been modified, at the time of purchase I was unaware of what modifications has been made to it.

I then moved to California, and these modifications caused me signficant headache.

The catalytic converters had been replaced, which in most states probably wouldn’t have been a problem, but in California most definitely was.

It also had a nice carbon fiber front lip, but when I started competing the car with SCCA I had to remove it due to it being illegal for the class I was running.

The front bumper Z logo had been replaced, unsure why.

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