· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Project240z - Two years ago the motor blew up
Relive the journey of a Datsun 240z that toasted its first motor in autocross, its revival, and the ongoing journey in car restoration.

Two years ago today was the day that the Datsun toasted Motor #1 on it’s first autocross run! Here’s a shot of that first competition run.

And then a short time later (same run) here’s my getting out to push it

Here’s what we found when we just happened to pull plug #2

And then this is what it looked like when I went to drain the oil from the motor

A few things have happened in the two years since that fateful day. A few months later I purchased a 2004 Corvette Z06 and autocrossed that for a year.
I sold the Corvette.
I got the Datsun running again with another motor, same turbo setup.
We moved to Colorado. www.going2colorado.com
In the next few weeks I hope to get more of the 240 back together, starting to work on the electrical system and such. Then during the first week of September the car goes to www.hanksvillehotrods.com for a new exhaust, maybe I can talk them into a cage too ;)